Sunday, November 04, 2007

My life is complete.

Well, a little bit more than it was, anyway. For today, my friends, I made my best poached eggs ever. And that includes the ones in those plastic cups. Actually those don't even count. They're never any good.

They did stick ever so slightly, string a small amount and the yolk was harder than I wanted it. But not solid. Also I broke one. I was cooking on a slanty cooker though. I'm really fucking amazed at my achievement. There's room for improvement, but this is the first time I've actually made something that looks like poached eggs.

Also, I was good at pool last night. Well, passable. I've no idea when that came about. I wish I'd known, I might not have left it so many years before I tried again!

Also also, you cunts aren't telling me when I make mistakes. Last night I found an exclamation mark without a space after it. I mean come on, man! What the fuck? Help me out here! Bollocks to two spaces though. I'm not pissing about with that shit. I haven't got all day!

There was something else, but I've forgotten.

Soz ard.

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