Friday, May 12, 2006

Fucking Bono

It was Barbecue Day on Wednesday. I know I didn't have the first one, but it's an important time of year for me. What was good, though, was that I also combined it with Shorts Day. Rock AND roll. My garden's a fucking meadow. It's longer than it got over the whole of winter.
It's got flowers and grasses of all kinds. I think there are dandylions, but they're too short to be seen. Now fuck off. You bore me.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Are you ready to rock?

You've gotta be sure now. I've just made a Space with which to Promote my Band, seeing as that seems to be how it's done These Days. You should be able to find it at There's a blog entry, but that's about all I've managed to do so far. New sucks. Give me something I can do.