Wednesday, October 25, 2006


It's raining.

Thought yesterday we'd been excused Winter and skipped forward to spring, but the weather's shit today. And I've got to walk up and pay the rent today. I'd put it off, but it's already been put off until pay day. Which is today. I'm gonna have to do a lot of phoning and calculating to give everybody enough money to stop them taking me to court but little enough so that all the other money-grabbers can have a bit. For fuck's sake, can't they give me a break? Just for a bit? This is my second pay day in this job, but I wouldn't notice, I'm never allowed to keep any of it! Lloyds don't help with their continual fucking charging either. Hey! One of our charges from last month sent you over your limit! We're gonna have to charge you 30 quid for that, my son.

Cheers, you fucking bankers.

Must dash. x